% % families can be together forever % \version "2.10.10" \include "english.ly" #(set-global-staff-size 19) \header { title = "Families Can Be Together Forever" subtitle = "Solo voice + SATB choir, optional piano" subsubtitle = "Version 1.0 - January 27, 2007" copyright = \markup { \center-align { "This arrangement copyright 2007 David B. Thomas." \line {"Original song copyright 1980 LDS Church."} \line {"Making copies for non-commercial use is permitted."} \line {"For more information, more songs or more copies: http://dt.prohosting.com/sheetmusic"} } } poet = "Ruth Muir Gardner" composer = "Vanja Watkins" arranger = \markup { \tiny "(arr: David B. Thomas)" } } \layout { \context { \RemoveEmptyStaffContext } % The rest of this layout block is devoted to providing the % "centered piano dynamics" feature. \context { \type "Engraver_group" \name Dynamics \alias Voice % So that \cresc works, for example. \consists "Output_property_engraver" \override VerticalAxisGroup #'minimum-Y-extent = #'(-1 . 1) \consists "Script_engraver" \consists "Dynamic_engraver" \consists "Text_engraver" \override TextScript #'font-size = #2 \override TextScript #'font-shape = #'italic \override DynamicText #'extra-offset = #'(0 . 2.5) \override Hairpin #'extra-offset = #'(0 . 2.5) \consists "Skip_event_swallow_translator" \consists "Axis_group_engraver" } \context { \PianoStaff \accepts Dynamics \override VerticalAlignment #'forced-distance = #6 } } global = { \key f \major \override Staff.TimeSignature #'style = #'() \time 4/4 } % SEGMENT A: intro onA = \relative c' { s1*2 } snA = \relative c' { R1 | \once \override TextScript #'extra-offset = #'( -2 . 5 ) R1 } anA = \relative c' { s1*2 } tnA = \relative c' { R1 | R1 } bnA = \relative c' { s1*2 } olA = \lyricmode { } llA = \lyricmode { } blA = \lyricmode { } rhA = \relative c' { r4 4 2 | r4 4 2 | } lhA = \relative c, { \once \override TextScript #'extra-offset = #'( -3 . 0 ) f8\(_\markup { \italic "con pedale" } c' f c\) \( g' a b\) | f,8\( c' a' c,\) f,\( b' a g\) | } dynA = { s1\mf | s1 } % SEGMENT B: first verse onB = \relative c' { s1*8 } snB = \relative c'' { \once \override DynamicText #'extra-offset = #'( -4 . -3.2 ) \once \override TextScript #'extra-offset = #'( -30 . 0 ) a4\mf^\markup { \italic \bold \tiny "(Soloist sings soprano to letter B)" } g8 f g4 b | b c g2 | r4 g g a | a bf f2 | f4 f8 f c'4 bf | bf a g f | d' c bf a | g2. r4 | \mark \default } anB = \relative c' { f4 c8 c d4 g | g g e2 | r4 ef ef f | f f d2 | df4 df8 df f4 g | g f e f | bf a g f | f2( e4) r4 | } tnB = \relative c' { c4 a8 a b4 d | c r b c | c1( | bf4) r a bf | bf2. bf4 | c c a a | g g g bf | c2. r4 | } bnB = \relative c { f4 f8 f f4 f | e r b' c | ef,1( | d4) r a' bf | df,2. df4 | c c d d | g, a bf d | c2. r4 | } olB = \lyricmode { } llB = \lyricmode { I have a fam -- 'ly here on earth. They are so good to me. I want to share my life with them through all e -- ter -- ni -- ty. } blB = \lyricmode { I have a fam -- 'ly here, here on earth __ I can share __ my life with them through all e -- ter -- ni -- ty. } rhB = \relative c' { 2 | 1 | << g1 \\ { d4\( c g2\) } >> | 1 | << f1 \\ { c4\( bf2 g4\) } >> | f'2 e4( d) | g' | g4\( 2\) | } lhB = \relative c { 2 | e1 | ef | d | df | 2 | g,8\( d' g a bf2\) | c,8\( g' bf4 2\) | } dynB = { s1*8 } % SEGMENT C: first chorus, first half onC = \relative c' { s1*6 } snC = \relative c' { d4 f8 d e4 g | c bf8 a g4 f | r d e g | c,4. d8 c4. c8 | d8 e d e f4 g | a8 bf a bf c4\fermata bf8 c | } anC = \relative c' { bf4 d8 bf c4 e | e g8 f e4 d | r d e g | c,4. d8 c4. a8 | bf c bf c df4 df | f8 f f f fs4 bf8 c | } tnC = \relative c' { g4 g8 g bf4 bf | a a8 a a4 a | r g g bf | a4. g8 g4( fs8) fs | g g g g f4 bf | c8 c c c a4\fermata bf8 c | } bnC = \relative c { g4 g8 g c4 c | a a8 a d4 d | r g, c c | f4. f8 d4. d8 | g, g g g bf4 df | c8 c c c d4 bf'8 c | } olC = \lyricmode { } llC = \lyricmode { Fam -- 'lies can be to -- ge -- ther for -- e -- ver through heav'n -- ly fa -- ther's plan. I al -- ways want to be with my own fam -- i -- ly, And the } blC = \lyricmode { Fam -- 'lies can be to -- ge -- ther for -- e -- ver through heav'n -- ly fa -- ther's plan. I al -- ways want to be with my own fam -- i -- ly, And the } rhC = \relative c' { r4 | r4 | r | << { c2 c } \\ { g4( f) g( fs) } >> | 2 8 | 2 \fermata | } lhC = \relative c { 2 c4 c8 bf | 2 d8 e f4 | g,4 g'8 d c2 | d' | | \override Script #'padding = #1.5 c \fermata | } dynC = { s1*6 } % SEGMENT D: first chorus, second half onD = \relative c' { s1*4 } snD = \relative c'' { d4 c bf8 a g f | a2. a4 | g2. a4 | bf^\markup { \italic \bold \tiny "Soloist to top line" } g f e | \break \mark \default } anD = \relative c'' { bf4 a bf8 a g f | e2. a4 | g2( f4) e | d d c c | } tnD = \relative c' { d4 d d bf | a d cs a | bf2( a4) c | d bf a g | } bnD = \relative c' { bf4 a g d | a a a a' | g2( f4) f | g g c, c | } olD = \lyricmode { } llD = \lyricmode { Lord has shown me how I can. The Lord has shown me how "I..." } blD = \lyricmode { Lord has shown me how I can. The Lord has shown me how "I..." } rhD = \relative c' { 4 g'2 | r4 2 | | c | } lhD = \relative c { \set tieWaitForNote = ##t g8\( d' g a bf4\) g, | a8~ e'~ 4 2 | R1 | r2 c2 | } dynD = { s1*4 } % SEGMENT E: middle-tro onE = \relative c' { f1~\mf | f1 | R1 | R1 } snE = \relative c'' { \once \override DynamicText #'extra-offset = #'( 0 . -4.5 ) r4\mp a(\glissando b2) | r4 c(\glissando b2) | r4 a(\glissando b2) | r4 a(\glissando g2\glissando | \mark \default } anE = \relative c' { r4 f(\glissando g2) | r4 a(\glissando g2) | r4 f(\glissando g2) | r4 f(\glissando d2\glissando | } tnE = \relative c' { r8 c(~ c4\glissando d2) | r8 e(~ e4\glissando d2) | r8 c(~ c4\glissando d2) | r8 c(~ c4\glissando b2\glissando | } bnE = \relative c { f1 | f1 | f1 | f1 } olE = \lyricmode { "...can." __ } llE = \lyricmode { ooh ooh ooh ooh } blE = \lyricmode { ooh ooh ooh ooh } rhE = \relative c' { r4 2 | r4 2 | r4 2 | r4 2 } lhE = \relative c' { << { r8 c8~ c4 d2 | r8 e8~ e4 d2 | r8 c8~ c4 d2 | r8 c8~ c4 b2 } \\ { f1 | f1 | f1 | f1 } >> } dynE = { s1\mp | s1*3 } % SEGMENT F: second verse onF = \relative c'' { a4 g8 f g4 b | b c g2 | r4 g8 g g4 a | a bf f2 | f4 f8 f8 c'4 bf | bf a g f | d' c bf a | g2. r4 | } snF = \relative c' { \once \override DynamicText #'extra-offset = #'( -2.5 . -4.5 ) f2\p d | e1) | g2.( f4~ | f1) | f1~( | f2 g4 f~ | f1) | r4 f( e) r | \break \mark \default } anF = \relative c' { c2 b | c) b4( c | d c2. | d1) | df1( | c2 e4 d~ | d1) | r4 c4~ c r | } tnF = \relative c' { a2 g~ | g1~ | g2. a4 | bf2) a4( bf | c bf a g | a1) | bf1 | r8 g8~ g4~ g r | } bnF = \relative c { f1( | e | ef | d) | df( | c2 d) | g,1( | c2.) r4 | } olF = \lyricmode { While I am in my ear -- ly years I'll pre -- pare most care -- ful -- ly, so I can mar -- ry in God's tem -- ple for e -- ter -- ni -- ty. } llF = \lyricmode { ooh __ ooh __ ooh } blF = \lyricmode { ooh __ ooh __ ooh } rhF = \relative c' { 2 | 1 | | | | 2 | 1 | << { f'2( e) } \\ bf1 >> | } lhF = \relative c, { f2 f' | 1 | | | df4\( ef f g\) | 2 | 1 | c | } dynF = { % note: oddly, without this nudge "up", the mark is too high! \once \override DynamicText #'extra-offset = #'( 0 . 1 ) s1\p | s1*7 } % SEGMENT G: second chorus, first half onG = \relative c' { d4\f f8 d e4 g | c bf8 a g4 f | r d e g | c,4. d8 c4. c8 | d e d e f4 g | a8 bf a bf c4\fermata bf8\mf c | } snG = \relative c' { \once \override DynamicText #'extra-offset = #'( -4.5 . -2 ) d4\mf f8 d e4 g | c bf8 a g4 f | r d e g | c,4. d8 c4. c8 | d e d e f4 g | a8 bf a bf c4\fermata r | } anG = \relative c' { bf4 d8 bf c4 e | e g8 f e4 d | r d e g | c,4. d8 c4. c8 | bf8 c bf c df4 ef | f8 f f f fs4 r | } tnG = \relative c' { g4 g8 g bf4 c | a bf8 c d4 a | g2 c4 bf | a4. g8 g4( fs8) c' | c bf a g f4 bf | c8 c f, g a4\fermata r | } bnG = \relative c { g4 a8 bf c4 c8( bf) | a4 a8 a d4 d | g2 c,4 c | a'8( g f) e d4. r8 | r4 g,8( a) bf c df ef | f4 f8 ef d4 r | } olG = \lyricmode { Fam -- 'lies can be to -- ge -- ther for e -- ver through heav'n -- ly fa -- ther's plan. I al -- ways want to be with my own fam -- i -- ly, and the } llG = \lyricmode { Fam -- 'lies can be to -- ge -- ther for e -- ver through heav'n -- ly fa -- ther's plan. I al -- ways want to be with my own fam -- i -- ly. } blG = \lyricmode { Fam -- 'lies can be to -- ge -- ther for e -- ver through heav'n -- ly fa -- ther's plan. I al -- ways want to be fam -- i -- ly. } rhG = \relative c' { 2 | | r4 2 | | R1 | R1 | } lhG = \relative c { g2 c | a d4( f) | g2 c, | f d | R1 | R1 | } dynG = { % \once \override DynamicText #'extra-offset = #'( 1 . 0 ) s8 s8\mf s2. | s1*2 | s4\> s2 s4\! | s1*2 } % SEGMENT H: second chorus, second half onH = \relative c'' { d4 c bf8 a g f | a2. a4 | g2. a4 | bf g f e | } snH = \relative c'' { \once \override DynamicText #'extra-offset = #'( -2.5 . -3.5 ) d4\mp( c bf2 | a1) | r4 d,8( e) f4 a | bf g f e | \mark \default } anH = \relative c'' { bf4( a g f | e1) | r4 d8 e f4 e | d d c c | } tnH = \relative c' { g2( bf4 d~ | d2 cs) | r4 d c? c | bf bf a g | } bnH = \relative c' { g1( | a) | r4 bf a f | g g c, c | } olH = \lyricmode { Lord has shown me how I can. The Lord has shown me how I } llH = \lyricmode { ooh __ The Lord has shown me how I } blH = \lyricmode { ooh __ The Lord has shown me how I } rhH = \relative c' { 4 g'2 | r4 << { a2. } \\ { d,4( cs2) } >> | 2 | c | } lhH = \relative c { g8\( d' g a bf4\) g, | \set tieWaitForNote = ##t a8~ e'~ g4~ 2 | R1 | R1 } dynH = { s8 s8\mp s2. | s1 | s1\p | s1 } % SEGMENT I: ending onI = \relative c' { f1~ | f1~ | f1 | R1 | R1 \bar "|." } snI = \relative c' { f1 | f2 ef | f1 | \textSpannerUp \override TextSpanner #'edge-text = #'("rall " . "") f2\startTextSpan ef | f1\stopTextSpan\fermata \bar "|." } anI = \relative c' { c1 | bf2 bf | c1 | bf2 bf2 | a1 | } tnI = \relative c' { a1 | g2 g | af1 | \textSpannerUp \override TextSpanner #'edge-text = #'("rall " . "") r4\startTextSpan gf2 af4 | a?1\stopTextSpan\fermata \bar "|." } bnI = \relative c { f1 | ef2 ef | df1 | 2 | 1 } olI = \lyricmode { can. __ } llI = \lyricmode { can, how I can, how I can. } blI = \lyricmode { can, how I can, how I can. } rhI = \relative c' { 1 | | | \textSpannerUp \override TextSpanner #'edge-text = #'("rall " . "") \startTextSpan | \arpeggio\stopTextSpan\fermata \bar "|." } lhI = \relative c { 1 | | | \textSpannerUp \override TextSpanner #'edge-text = #'("rall " . "") \startTextSpan | \arpeggio\stopTextSpan\fermata \bar "|." } dynI = { s1*5 } %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % SCORE STRUCTURE % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% << \set Score.markFormatter = #format-mark-letters \set Score.markFormatter = #format-mark-box-letters \override Score.BarNumber #'padding = #2 \override Score.VerticalAxisGroup #'remove-first = ##t \new Staff = "soloist" { \set Staff.instrumentName = \markup { \column { "Solo " \line { "Voice" } } } \set Staff.shortInstrumentName = "solo " \global \new Voice = "solo" { \onA \onB \onC \onD \onE \onF \onG \onH \onI } } % context for soloist lyrics \new Lyrics = "sololyrics" { s1 } \lyricsto "solo" \context Lyrics = sololyrics { \olA \olB \olC \olD \olE \olF \olG \olH \olI } \new ChoirStaff << \new Staff = "women" { \tempo 4=80 \set Staff.instrumentName = \markup { \column { "Soprano " \line { "Alto" } } } \set Staff.shortInstrumentName = "SA " \global << \new Voice = "soprano" { \oneVoice % single voice \snA % SEGMENT A \voiceOne % voices split \snB % SEGMENT B \snC % SEGMENT C \snD % SEGMENT D \snE % SEGMENT E \snF % SEGMENT F \snG % SEGMENT G \snH % SEGMENT H \snI % SEGMENT I } \new Voice = "alto" { \oneVoice % single voice \anA % SEGMENT A \voiceTwo % voices split \anB % SEGMENT B \anC % SEGMENT C \anD % SEGMENT D \anE % SEGMENT E \anF % SEGMENT F \anG % SEGMENT G \anH % SEGMENT H \anI % SEGMENT I } >> } % Middle line context for lyrics \new Lyrics = "toplyrics" { s1 } \lyricsto "soprano" \context Lyrics = toplyrics { \llA \llB \llC \llD \llE \llF \llG \llH \llI } \new Staff = "men" { \set Staff.instrumentName = \markup { \column { "Tenor " \line { "Bass" } } } \set Staff.shortInstrumentName = "TB " \clef bass \global << \new Voice = tenor { \oneVoice % single voice \tnA % SEGMENT A \voiceOne % voices split \tnB % SEGMENT B \tnC % SEGMENT C \tnD % SEGMENT D % swap bass with tenor to use % bass notes for bottom lyrics \voiceTwo \bnE % SEGMENT E \bnF % SEGMENT F \bnG % SEGMENT G \bnH % SEGMENT H \bnI % SEGMENT I } \new Voice = bass { \oneVoice % single voice \bnA % SEGMENT A \voiceTwo % voices split \bnB % SEGMENT B \bnC % SEGMENT C \bnD % SEGMENT D % swap bass with tenor to use % bass notes for bottom lyrics \voiceOne \tnE % SEGMENT E \tnF % SEGMENT F \tnG % SEGMENT G \tnH % SEGMENT H \tnI % SEGMENT I } >> } % Bottom line context for lyrics \new Lyrics = "botlyrics" { s1 } \lyricsto "tenor" \context Lyrics = botlyrics { \blA \blB \blC \blD \blE \blF \blG \blH \blI } >> \new PianoStaff { \set PianoStaff.instrumentName = "Piano " \set PianoStaff.connectArpeggios = ##t << \new Staff = "rh" { \global \rhA } \new Dynamics = "dynamics" \dynA \new Staff = "lh" { \clef bass \global \lhA } >> << \context Staff = "rh" { \rhB } \context Dynamics = "dynamics" \dynB \context Staff = "lh" { \lhB } >> << \context Staff = "rh" { \rhC } \context Dynamics = "dynamics" \dynC \context Staff = "lh" { \lhC } >> << \context Staff = "rh" { \rhD } \context Dynamics = "dynamics" \dynD \context Staff = "lh" { \lhD } >> << \context Staff = "rh" { \rhE } \context Dynamics = "dynamics" \dynE \context Staff = "lh" { \lhE } >> << \context Staff = "rh" { \rhF } \context Dynamics = "dynamics" \dynF \context Staff = "lh" { \lhF } >> << \context Staff = "rh" { \rhG } \context Dynamics = "dynamics" \dynG \context Staff = "lh" { \lhG } >> << \context Staff = "rh" { \rhH } \context Dynamics = "dynamics" \dynH \context Staff = "lh" { \lhH } >> << \context Staff = "rh" { \rhI } \context Dynamics = "dynamics" \dynI \context Staff = "lh" { \lhI } >> } >>