% % easter hosanna % \version "2.6.5" \include "english.ly" #(set-global-staff-size 19) \header { title = "Easter Hosanna" subtitle = "For SATB and Piano" subsubtitle = "Version 2.0 - March 28, 2006" composer = "Vanja Watkins" tagline = \markup { \center-align { "This arrangement copyright 2006 David and April Thomas" \line {"Original song copyright 1982 LDS Church"} \line {"Making copies for non-commercial use is permitted."} \line {"For more information, more songs or more copies: http://dt.prohosting.com/sheetmusic"} } } arranger = \markup { \tiny "(arr: David & April Thomas)" } } \layout { % raggedright = ##t \context { \RemoveEmptyStaffContext } % indent = 0 % topmargin = 0 % bottommargin = 0 % headsep = 0 % footsep = 0 % betweensystemspace = 1\mm % betweensystempadding = #1 % The rest of this layout block is devoted to providing the % "centered piano dynamics" feature. \context { \type "Engraver_group_engraver" \name Dynamics \alias Voice % So that \cresc works, for example. \consists "Output_property_engraver" minimumVerticalExtent = #'(-1 . 1) pedalSustainStrings = #'("Ped." "*Ped." "*") pedalUnaCordaStrings = #'("una corda" "" "tre corde") \consists "Piano_pedal_engraver" \consists "Script_engraver" \consists "Dynamic_engraver" \consists "Text_engraver" \override TextScript #'font-size = #2 \override TextScript #'font-shape = #'italic \override DynamicText #'extra-offset = #'(0 . 2.5) \override Hairpin #'extra-offset = #'(0 . 2.5) \consists "Skip_event_swallow_translator" \consists "Axis_group_engraver" } \context { \PianoStaff \accepts Dynamics \override VerticalAlignment #'forced-distance = #6 } } global = { \key d \minor \override Staff.TimeSignature #'style = #'() \time 4/4 } % SEGMENT A: piano intro snA = { \partial 4 r4 | R1 | R1 | R1 | r2 r4 } anA = { \partial 4 s4 | s1*3 | s2. } tnA = { \partial 4 s4 | s1*3 | s2. } bnA = { \partial 4 s4 | s1*3 | s2. } rhA = \relative c'' { #(set-octavation 1) \partial 4 d4 | f g a c | d c a r8 d, | 4 a' g | 2 2 #(set-octavation 0) } lhA = \relative c' { \clef treble \override TextScript #'padding = #3 \partial 4 r4_\markup { \italic "con pedale" } | d8( a' f a) c,( a' e a) | bf,( a' d, g) a,( f' e f) | bf,( f' e f) bf,( e d bf) | \textSpannerUp \override TextSpanner #'edge-text = #'("poco rit " . "") a(\startTextSpan g' d g) 2\stopTextSpan } dynA = { \partial 4 s4\mp | s1*4 } % SEGMENT B: first two lines of first verse snB = \relative c' { \partial 4 d4^\markup { \italic \bold \tiny "women" } \override Score.RehearsalMark #'padding = #2 \mark \default | f g a c | d c a g | f d f g | a2. d,4 | f g a c | d c a g | f d f g | a2. } anB = { \partial 4 s4 | s1*7 | s2. } tnB = { \partial 4 s4 | R1 | R1 | R1 | R1 | R1 | R1 | R1 | r2 r4 } bnB = { \partial 4 s4 | s1*7 | s2. } llB = \lyricmode { The pro -- phe -- cies of long a -- go were now at last ful -- filled When Je -- sus ris -- en from the dead to man him -- self re -- vealed } rhB = \relative c' { d8(^\markup { \italic "a tempo" } a' f a) c,( a' e a) | bf,( a' d, g) a,( f' e f) | bf,( f' e f) bf,( e d bf) | a( e' d e) 2 | d8( a' f a) c,( a' e a) | d,( a' d, g) d( f e f) | d( f c f bf,4 d8 bf) | d\( a e' a, f'4\) 4 } lhB = \relative c { R1 | R1 | R1 | R1 | \clef bass d4( a') c,( a') | bf,( g') a,( a') | bf( a g2) | f4\( e d2\) } dynB = { s1*7 | s2. s4\mf } % SEGMENT C: third line of first verse % sopranos have phantom melody to fit lyrics to snC = \relative c' { \hideNotes \partial 4 d4 | c bf a g | f g a a | g f a g | e2. \unHideNotes } % alto rests are visible anC = { \partial 4 r4 | R1 | R1 | R1 | r2 r4 } tnC = \relative c' { \partial 4 d4^\markup { \italic \bold \tiny "men" } | c bf a g | f g a a | g f a g | e2. } bnC = { \partial 4 s4 | s1*3 | s2. } llC = \lyricmode { As he came down from heav'n a -- bove white robed and glo -- ri -- fied } blC = \lyricmode { \skip 4 \skip 4 \skip 4 \skip 4 \skip 4 \skip 4 \skip 4 \skip 4 \skip 4 \skip 4 \skip 4 \skip 4 \skip 4 \skip 4 } rhC = \relative c'' { 4( ) | \( g a\) | \( \) | << { e2~ e4 } \\ { d4.\( d8 cs2\) } >> } lhC = \relative c { g8( d' g4) a cs, | d8\( a' d8 e f4\) c, | bf8\( f' a4 f bf,\) | << { s4 g'4~ g } \\ { \phrasingSlurDown a,8\( e'~ e4~ 2\) } >> } dynC = { s1*4 } % SEGMENT D: last line of first verse snD = \relative c' { \partial 4 e4^\markup { \italic \bold \tiny "women" } | f g a c | \textSpannerUp \override TextSpanner #'edge-text = #'("poco rit " . "") d\startTextSpan c a4. d,8\stopTextSpan | a'4 a g g | a2. r8 } anD = { \partial 4 s4 | s1*3 | s2.. } tnD = \relative c { \partial 4 e4^\markup { \italic \bold \tiny "men" } | f g a c | d c a4. d,8 | a'4 a g g | a2. r8 } bnD = { \partial 4 s4 | s1*3 | s2.. } llD = \lyricmode { The peo -- ple of the prom -- ised land re -- ceived their Lord and cried, } blD = { \skip 4 \skip 4 \skip 4 \skip 4 \skip 4 \skip 4 \skip 4 \skip 4 \skip 4 \skip 4 \skip 4 \skip 4 \skip 4 \skip 2.. } rhD = \relative c' { f8( d g d a' d,) 4 | \textSpannerUp \override TextSpanner #'edge-text = #'("poco rit " . "") ->\startTextSpan -> 2->\stopTextSpan | << { a4 a g g } \\ { d2 d2 } >> | 2. r4 } lhD = \relative c { d4( e f) a | bf-> c-> d2-> | << { f,2 g } \\ { bf,1 } >> | 2. r4 } dynD = { s1*4 } % SEGMENT E: first chorus part 1 of 4 snE = \relative c'' { \partial 8 a8 \mark \default | 4.( 8) 4 } anE = \relative c'' { \partial 8 a8 | f4.( e8) f4 } tnE = \relative c' { \partial 8 a8 | d4.( c8) d4 } bnE = \relative c' { \partial 8 s8 | s2. } llE = \lyricmode { Ho -- san -- na! } blE = \lyricmode { \skip 8 \skip 2 \skip 4 } rhE = \relative c'' { r2 r4 } lhE = \relative c { r1 } % R1 makes it invisible for some reason dynE = { s2 s4 s4\f } % SEGMENT F: first chorus part 2 of 4 snF = \relative c'' { \partial 4 r4 | a8 a a a g4 f8 g | a4 c a r8 } anF = { \partial 4 s4 | s1 | s2.. } tnF = \relative c' { \partial 4 r4 | a8 a a a g4 f8 g | a4 c a r8 } bnF = { \partial 4 s4 | s1 | s2.. } llF = \lyricmode { Bles -- sed be the name of the most high God } blF = \lyricmode { \skip 8 \skip 8 \skip 8 \skip 8 \skip 4 \skip 8 \skip 8 \skip 4 \skip 4 \skip 4 } rhF = \relative c' { f2 d | f4-> e-> d-> r4 } lhF = \relative c { 2 | 4-> -> -> r4 } dynF = { s1*2 } % SEGMENT G: first chorus part 3 of 4 snG = \relative c'' { \partial 8 a8 | 4.( 8) 4 } anG = \relative c'' { \partial 8 a8 | f4.( e8) f4 } tnG = \relative c' { \partial 8 a8 | d4.( c8) d4 } bnG = \relative c' { \partial 8 s8 | s2. } llG = \lyricmode { Ho -- san -- na! } blG = \lyricmode { \skip 8 \skip 2 \skip 4 } rhG = \relative c'' { r2 r4 } lhG = \relative c { r1 } % R1 makes it invisible for some reason dynG = { s1 } % SEGMENT H: first chorus part 4 of 4 snH = \relative c'' { \partial 4 r4 | a8 a a a g4 f8 g | a2 a | a2. } anH = { \partial 4 s4 | s1 | s1 | s2. } tnH = \relative c' { \partial 4 r4 | a8 a a a g4 f8 g | a2 a | a2. } bnH = { \partial 4 s4 | s1 | s1 | s2. } llH = \lyricmode { Bles -- sed be the name of the most high God } blH = \lyricmode { \skip 8 \skip 8 \skip 8 \skip 8 \skip 4 \skip 8 \skip 8 \skip 2 \skip 2 \skip 2. } rhH = \relative c' { f2 d | 2-> -> | 2.-> d,4 } lhH = \relative c { << { a'2 } \\ { d,4( c) } >> 2 | r4 r | 1-> } dynH = { s1 | s1\ff | s2. s4\mp } % SEGMENT I: piano break 1 snI = { \partial 4 r4 \mark \default | R1 | R1 | R1 | r2. } anI = { \partial 4 s4 | s1*3 | s2. } tnI = { \partial 4 r4 | R1 | R1 | R1 | r2. } bnI = { \partial 4 s4 | s1*3 | s2. } rhI = \relative c' { f4( g a) c | d c8( bf) a2 | a4 a g g | a1 } lhI = \relative c { d8( a' d e f4) a, \clef treble | e8\( bf' e g\) e\( f d c\) | bf( f' e f) bf,( e d e) | \textSpannerUp \override TextSpanner #'edge-text = #'("poco rit " . "") a,(\startTextSpan e' d e) cs2\stopTextSpan \clef bass } dynI = { s1*4 } % SEGMENT J: first half of second verse snJ = \relative c' { \partial 4 d4 \mark \default | f g a c | d c a g | f d f g | a2. d,4 | \override DynamicLineSpanner #'padding = #3 f\< g a c | d4. c8 a4. g8 | f4 d f g | a2.\! r8 } anJ = \relative c' { \partial 4 s4 | f8( e d4) e2( | e2) f | bf,1 | r4 << { \override DynamicLineSpanner #'padding = #4 s8.\< s16\> s4\! } \\ { \slurUp d( cs) f,4\rest \slurNeutral } >> | d'( cs) d2 | e2 f4( d) | d1 | d4( cs d) r8 } tnJ = \relative c { \partial 4 d4\rest | a'2(^\markup { \italic \bold \tiny "A,T,B: Ooh..." } c) | bf( a) | d,1 | r4 << { bf'( a4) } \\ { s8.\< s16\> s4\! } >> r4 | a1 | d | bf | a4( g f) } bnJ = \relative c { \partial 4 s4 | d1( | d1) | g, | r4 g'( g) r4 | d4( e f2) | bf( a) | g1 | f4( e d) } llJ = \lyricmode { When Je -- sus Christ ap -- peared to Ne -- phites in the prom -- ised land The right -- eous peo -- ple saw his wounds and came to un -- der -- stand } blJ = \lyricmode { \skip 1 \skip 1 \skip 1 \skip 1 \skip 1 \skip 1 \skip 1 } rhJ = \relative c' { d2(^\markup { \italic "slower" } f | e d) | 1 | r4 ( 2) | d'4\( 2\) | ( ) | 1 | d4( cs d) r4 } lhJ = \relative c { << { a'2( c | bf a) } \\ { \phrasingSlurDown d,1\( | d\) \phrasingSlurNeutral } >> | | \phrasingSlurDown a8\( e'8~ 2.\) | \phrasingSlurNeutral 1 | << { bf'2( a) } \\ { d,1 } >> | < d g>1 | << { a'2. } \\ { f4( e d) } >> r4 } dynJ = { s1\p | s1*3 | s1\< | s1*2 | s1\! } % SEGMENT K: hosanna counterpoint 1 snK = \relative c'' { \partial 8 a8\f \mark \default | 4.( 8) 4 } anK = \relative c'' { \partial 8 a8 | f4.( e8) f4 } tnK = { \partial 4 r4 | r1 } bnK = { \partial 4 s4 | s1 } llK = \lyricmode { Ho -- san -- na! } rhK = \relative c'' { r2 r4 } lhK = \relative c { r1 } % R1 vanishes for some reason dynK = { s2 s4 s4\f } % SEGMENT L: hosanna counterpoint 2 snL = \relative c'' { \partial 4 r4 | r2 r4 } anL = \relative c'' { \partial 4 s4 | s2 s4 } tnL = \relative c' { a8^\markup { \italic \bold \tiny "men" } a a a g4 } bnL = \relative c' { s2. } blL = \lyricmode { Bles -- sed be his name! } rhL = \relative c' { f4-> e-> d-> r4 } lhL = \relative c { 4-> -> -> r4 } dynL = { s1 } % SEGMENT M: hosanna counterpoint 3 snM = \relative c'' { \partial 4 a4 | 4.( 8) 2( | 2.) } anM = \relative c'' { \partial 4 a4 | f4.( e8) f2( | f2.) } tnM = \relative c' { \partial 4 r4 | R1 | g8 g f g a4 } bnM = \relative c' { \partial 4 s4 | s1 | s2. } llM = \lyricmode { Ho -- san -- na! } blM = \lyricmode { Bles -- sed be his name! } rhM = \relative c'' { r2 r4 4 | d,4-> e-> f-> r4 } lhM = \relative c { R1 | 4-> -> -> r4 } dynM = { s1*2 } % SEGMENT N: piano break 2 snN = { \partial 4 r4 \mark \default | R1 | r2 r4 } anN = { \partial 4 s4 | s1 | s2. } tnN = { \partial 4 r4 | R1 | r2 r4 } bnN = { \partial 4 s4 | s1 | s2. } rhN = \relative c' { d8^\markup { \italic "con moto" } f e c d a' g c, | d f e c d a' g c, } lhN = \relative c { 4 | } dynN = { s16 s16\mf s2.. | s1 } % SEGMENT O: ooh and chorus snO = \relative c' { \partial 4 d4( | f g a c | d c a4. g8 | f4 d f4. g8 | a2.) d,4( | f4 g a c | d4. c8 a4. g8 | f4 d f g | a2) r4 } anO = { \partial 4 s4 | s1*7 | s2. } tnO = \relative c' { \partial 4 r8 a8 | d4.( c8) d4 r4 | a8 a a a g4 f8 g | a4 r c2 | a2. r8 a | d4.( c8) d4 r4 | a8 a a a g4 f8 g | a4 r c2 | a2 r4 } bnO = { \partial 4 s4 | s1*7 | s2. } llO = \lyricmode { ooh... ooh... } blO = \lyricmode { Ho -- san -- na! Bles -- sed be the name of the most high God! Ho -- san -- na! Bles -- sed be the name of the most high God! } rhO = \relative c' { d4^\markup { \italic "legato" } \times 2/3 { a'8\( d f a f d g e c\) } | r4 \times 2/3 { f,8\( a d f d a e' c g\) } | r4 \times 2/3 { d8\( f bf d bf f c' g e\) } | r4 \times 2/3 { d8\( e f a g f g f e } | d4->\) \times 2/3 { d8\( f a d a f e' c g\) } | r4 \times 2/3 { f8\( a d f d a g' e c\) } | r4 \times 2/3 { a8\( d f a f d c' g e\) } | 4. 8 4 r4 } lhO = \relative c { 2.-> 4 | \times 2/3 { bf8~\( f'~ a~ } 2\) 4 | \times 2/3 { g8~\( d'~ f~ } 2\) 4 | \times 2/3 { bf8~\( f'~ a~ } 2\) 4 | 2.-> 4 | \times 2/3 { bf8~\( f'~ a~ } 2\) 4 | \times 2/3 { g8~\( d'~ f~ } 2.\) | 2. r4 } dynO = { s1*5 | s2. s4\> | s1 | s2 s4\! s4 } % SEGMENT P: a capella snP = \relative c'' { \partial 4 d4 \mark \default | c bf a g | f g a a | g f a g | e2. e4 | f4 g a4. c8 | \textSpannerUp \override TextSpanner #'edge-text = #'("rit " . "") d4\startTextSpan \stopTextSpan \fermata r8 d,8 | a'4^\markup { \italic "deliberately" } a g g | a2 b4.\rest } anP = \relative c' { \partial 4 f4 | a g f e | d d d e | d d d d | d2( cs4) cs | d cs d4. f8 | bf( a) g4 r8 d8 | d4 d d d | cs2 s4. } tnP = \relative c' { \partial 4 a4 | g g a a | a a a c | d c bf a | g2. a4 | a a a4. a8 | \textSpannerUp \override TextSpanner #'edge-text = #'("rit " . "") d4\startTextSpan c\stopTextSpan d\fermata d,8\rest d8 | bf'4^\markup { \italic "deliberately" } bf f g | e2 } bnP = \relative c { \partial 4 d4 | g g a cs, | d e f c | bf bf bf bf | a2. a4 | d e f4. a8 | bf4 c d s8 d,8 | bf'4 bf bf, bf | a2 } llP = \lyricmode { For he, once dead, was ri -- sen up as Sa -- vior, Lord, and King As they re -- joiced, now we re -- joice and joy -- ful -- ly we sing: } blP = \lyricmode { For he, once dead, was ri -- sen up as Sa -- vior, Lord, and King As they re -- joiced, now we re -- joice and joy -- ful -- ly we sing: } rhP = \relative c' { R1 | R1 | R1 | R1 | R1 | R1 | r2 | 2 r2 } lhP = \relative c, { R1 | R1 | R1 | R1 | R1 | R1 | 1 | 2 r2 } dynP = { s1*8 } % SEGMENT Q: fugue snQ = \relative c'' { \partial 8 a8\ff \mark \default | 4.( 8) 4 r4 | a8 a a a g4 f8 g | a4 c a a | 4.( 8) 4 r4 | g8 g f g a4 r8 a | \override TextScript #'padding = #2 4.( 8) 4 b4\rest^\markup { \italic "dramatically slower" } } anQ = \relative c'' { \partial 8 a8 | f4.( e8) f4 r4 | f8 e d c d4 f8 g8 | a4 c a a | f4.( e8) f4 r4 | d8 c d e f4 r8 a | f4.( e8) f4 s4 } tnQ = \relative c' { \partial 2 r2 | r2 r4 r8 a\ff^\markup { \italic \bold \tiny "men" } | d4.( c8) d4 r4 | a8 a a a g4 f8 g | a4 c a a | d4.( c8) d4 r4 | g,8 g f g a4 r4 } bnQ = { \partial 2 s2 | s1*6 } llQ = \lyricmode { Ho -- san -- na! Bles -- sed be the name of the most high God! Ho -- san -- na! Bles -- sed be his name! Ho -- san -- na! } blQ = \lyricmode { Ho -- san -- na! Bles -- sed be the name of the most high God! Ho -- san -- na! Bles -- sed be his name! } rhQ = \relative c' { \override TextScript #'padding = #1 4^\markup { \italic "con fuoco" } | | ^\markup { \italic "simile" } | | | 4. 8 4 r4^\markup { \italic "dramatically slower" } } lhQ = \relative c { 4 | | | | | 2. r4 } dynQ = { s1\ff | s1*5 } % SEGMENT R: finish snR = \relative c'' { a8 a a a g4 f8 g | a2\fff a | a1\fermata \bar "|." } anR = \relative c' { f8 e d e d4 d8 e | e2 << { % This cases lilypond to complain about % note head clashes, but the output % looks fine. \set fontSize = #-2 \override Stem #'length = #5.5 cs'2 | d1 } \\ {e,2 | fs1} >> \bar "|." } tnR = \relative c' { f8 e d c bf4 bf8 bf | d2 cs | \override Script #'padding = #1 d1\fermata \bar "|." } bnR = \relative c' { d8 c bf a bf4 g8 g | a2 a | d,1 \bar "|." } llR = \lyricmode { Bles -- sed be the name of the most high God! } blR = \lyricmode { Bles -- sed be the name of the most high God! } rhR = \relative c'' { R1 | r4 -> r4 -> | \override Script #'padding = #1 1\fermata \bar "|." } lhR = \relative c, { R1 | #(set-octavation -1) r4 -> r4 -> | 1 \bar "|." #(set-octavation 0) } dynR = { s1 | s4 s2.\fff | s1 } %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % SCORE STRUCTURE % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% << \override Score.RemoveEmptyVerticalGroup #'remove-first = ##t \set Score.soloText = #"(I)" \set Score.soloIIText = #"(II)" \set Score.aDueText = #"(unis.)" \tempo 4=110 \set Score.markFormatter = #format-mark-letters \set Score.markFormatter = #format-mark-box-letters \context ChoirStaff << \context Staff = women { \set Staff.instrument = \markup { \column { "Soprano " \line { "Alto" } } } \set Staff.instr = "SA " \global << \context Voice = soprano { \snA % SEGMENT A: piano intro \snB % SEGMENT B: first two lines of first verse \snC % SEGMENT C: third line of first verse \snD % SEGMENT D: last line of first verse \voiceOne % voices split \snE % SEGMENT E: first chorus part 1 of 4 \oneVoice % voices join \snF % SEGMENT F: first chorus part 2 of 4 \voiceOne % voices split \snG % SEGMENT G: first chorus part 3 of 4 \oneVoice % voices join \snH % SEGMENT H: first chorus part 4 of 4 \snI % SEGMENT I: piano break 1 \voiceOne % voices split \snJ % SEGMENT J: first half of second verse \snK % SEGMENT K: hosanna counterpoint 1 \oneVoice % voices join \snL % SEGMENT L: hosanna counterpoint 2 \voiceOne % voices split \snM % SEGMENT M: hosanna counterpoint 3 \oneVoice % voices join \snN % SEGMENT N: piano break 2 \snO % SEGMENT O: ooh and chorus \voiceOne % voices split \snP % SEGMENT P: a capella \snQ % SEGMENT Q: fugue \snR % SEGMENT R: finish } \context Voice = alto { \anA % SEGMENT A: piano intro \anB % SEGMENT B: first two lines of first verse \anC % SEGMENT C: third line of first verse \anD % SEGMENT D: last line of first verse \voiceTwo % voices split \anE % SEGMENT E: first chorus part 1 of 4 \oneVoice % voices join \anF % SEGMENT F: first chorus part 2 of 4 \voiceTwo % voices split \anG % SEGMENT G: first chorus part 3 of 4 \oneVoice % voices join \anH % SEGMENT H: first chorus part 4 of 4 \anI % SEGMENT I: piano break 1 \voiceTwo % voices split \anJ % SEGMENT J: first half of second verse \anK % SEGMENT K: hosanna counterpoint 1 \oneVoice % voices join \anL % SEGMENT L: hosanna counterpoint 2 \voiceTwo % voices split \anM % SEGMENT M: hosanna counterpoint 3 \oneVoice % voices join \anN % SEGMENT N: piano break 2 \anO % SEGMENT O: ooh and chorus \voiceTwo % voices split \anP % SEGMENT P: a capella \anQ % SEGMENT Q: fugue \anR % SEGMENT R: finish } >> } % Middle line context for lyrics \context Lyrics = toplyrics { s1 } \lyricsto "soprano" \context Lyrics = toplyrics { \llB \llC % SEGMENT C lyrics are for the men but printed here \llD \llE \llF \llG \llH % SEGMENT I has no lyrics \llJ \llK % SEGMENT L lyrics are for the men only \llM % SEGMENT N has no lyrics \llO \llP \llQ \llR } \context Staff = men { \set Staff.instrument = \markup { \column { "Tenor " \line { "Bass" } } } \set Staff.instr = "TB " \clef bass \global << \context Voice = tenor { \tnA % SEGMENT A: piano intro \tnB % SEGMENT B: first two lines of first verse \tnC % SEGMENT C: third line of first verse \tnD % SEGMENT D: last line of first verse \tnE % SEGMENT E: first chorus part 1 of 4 \tnF % SEGMENT F: first chorus part 2 of 4 \tnG % SEGMENT G: first chorus part 3 of 4 \tnH % SEGMENT H: first chorus part 4 of 4 \tnI % SEGMENT I: piano break 1 \voiceOne % voices split \tnJ % SEGMENT J: first half of second verse \oneVoice % voices join \tnK % SEGMENT K: hosanna counterpoint 1 \tnL % SEGMENT L: hosanna counterpoint 2 \tnM % SEGMENT M: hosanna counterpoint 3 \tnN % SEGMENT N: piano break 2 \tnO % SEGMENT O: ooh and chorus \voiceOne % voices split \tnP % SEGMENT P: a capella \oneVoice % male voices join only \tnQ % SEGMENT Q: fugue \voiceOne % voices split \tnR % SEGMENT R: finish } \context Voice = bass { \bnA % SEGMENT A: piano intro \bnB % SEGMENT B: first two lines of first verse \bnC % SEGMENT C: third line of first verse \bnD % SEGMENT D: last line of first verse \bnE % SEGMENT E: first chorus part 1 of 4 \bnF % SEGMENT F: first chorus part 2 of 4 \bnG % SEGMENT G: first chorus part 3 of 4 \bnH % SEGMENT H: first chorus part 4 of 4 \bnI % SEGMENT I: piano break 1 \voiceTwo % voices split \bnJ % SEGMENT J: first half of second verse \oneVoice % voices join \bnK % SEGMENT K: hosanna counterpoint 1 \bnL % SEGMENT L: hosanna counterpoint 2 \bnM % SEGMENT M: hosanna counterpoint 3 \bnN % SEGMENT N: piano break 2 \bnO % SEGMENT O: ooh and chorus \voiceTwo % voices split \bnP % SEGMENT P: a capella \oneVoice % male voices join only \bnQ % SEGMENT Q: fugue \voiceTwo % voices split \bnR % SEGMENT R: finish } >> } % Bottom line context for lyrics \context Lyrics = botlyrics { s1 } \lyricsto "tenor" \context Lyrics = botlyrics { % There are no notes in this context before segment C. % Also, there are no lyrics under the men's staff % until segment L. \blC \blD \blE \blF \blG \blH % nothing in segment I \blJ % nothing in segment K % SEGMENT L: first time men have their own lyrics line \blL \blM % SEGMENT N has no lyrics \blO \blP \blQ \blR } >> \new PianoStaff { \set PianoStaff.instrument = "Piano " % SEGMENT A: piano intro << \context Staff = rh { \global \rhA } \context Dynamics = dynamics \dynA \context Staff = lh { \global \lhA } >> % SEGMENT B: first two lines of first verse << \context Staff = rh { \rhB } \context Dynamics = dynamics \dynB \context Staff = lh { \lhB } >> % SEGMENT C: third line of first verse << \context Staff = rh { \rhC } \context Dynamics = dynamics \dynC \context Staff = lh { \lhC } >> % SEGMENT D: last line of first verse << \context Staff = rh { \rhD } \context Dynamics = dynamics \dynD \context Staff = lh { \lhD } >> % SEGMENT E: first chorus part 1 of 4 << \context Staff = rh { \rhE } \context Dynamics = dynamics \dynE \context Staff = lh { \lhE } >> % SEGMENT F: first chorus part 2 of 4 << \context Staff = rh { \rhF } \context Dynamics = dynamics \dynF \context Staff = lh { \lhF } >> % SEGMENT G: first chorus part 3 of 4 << \context Staff = rh { \rhG } \context Dynamics = dynamics \dynG \context Staff = lh { \lhG } >> % SEGMENT H: first chorus part 4 of 4 << \context Staff = rh { \rhH } \context Dynamics = dynamics \dynH \context Staff = lh { \lhH } >> % SEGMENT I: piano break 1 << \context Staff = rh { \rhI } \context Dynamics = dynamics \dynI \context Staff = lh { \lhI } >> % SEGMENT J: first half of second verse << \context Staff = rh { \rhJ } \context Dynamics = dynamics \dynJ \context Staff = lh { \lhJ } >> % SEGMENT K: hosanna counterpoint 1 << \context Staff = rh { \rhK } \context Dynamics = dynamics \dynK \context Staff = lh { \lhK } >> % SEGMENT L: hosanna counterpoint 2 << \context Staff = rh { \rhL } \context Dynamics = dynamics \dynL \context Staff = lh { \lhL } >> % SEGMENT M: hosanna counterpoint 3 << \context Staff = rh { \rhM } \context Dynamics = dynamics \dynM \context Staff = lh { \lhM } >> % SEGMENT N: piano break 2 << \context Staff = rh { \rhN } \context Dynamics = dynamics \dynN \context Staff = lh { \lhN } >> % SEGMENT O: ooh and chorus << \context Staff = rh { \rhO } \context Dynamics = dynamics \dynO \context Staff = lh { \lhO } >> % SEGMENT P: a capella << \context Staff = rh { \rhP } \context Dynamics = dynamics \dynP \context Staff = lh { \lhP } >> % SEGMENT Q: a capella << \context Staff = rh { \rhQ } \context Dynamics = dynamics \dynQ \context Staff = lh { \lhQ } >> % SEGMENT R: a capella << \context Staff = rh { \rhR } \context Dynamics = dynamics \dynR \context Staff = lh { \lhR } >> } >> % was useful for aligning lyrics when they weren't applied to a voice % \override Lyrics.LyricText #'self-alignment-X = #-1.5