ONLY TIME WILL TELL Copyright 1993 Ross Rademacher Take this mighty eagle fallen from the sky Mend his wing and he shall fly again In return he'll keep a vigil over you Warn you to the dangers on the wind Take this stranded whale down along the shore Pull her back and you shall set her free In return she'll keep a watchful eye for you Lead you to the bounty of the sea [Chorus:] All our children and all of theirs to come Shall live as we lived underneath the sun Will they see this world we know so well Will they be there, only time will tell Only time will tell... only time will tell Take this wounded wolf lying on the ground Tend to him till all the scars have healed In return he shall be a friend to you End the devastation to your fields Take these wayward cubs lost among the glades Go to them and help them find their way In return they shall be a light for you You shall never wander far astray [Chorus]